GPUs, even the really strong ones, have a limited amount of resources to use to do things. If your GPU had infinite processing power, you could go ahead and run all of your games with uncapped framerates.

Preventing GPU overload mostly boils down to preventing your GPU from doing more work than it has to.

I just want this to work, so how do I keep my GPU from being overloaded? In the vast majority of cases, this would be a net negative impact on system, rendering, and encoding performance. While this is probably technically possible, GPUs are still way more efficient at this kind of task than CPUs. Can't OBS use the CPU to composite and render instead? My CPU is really strong! If you want OBS Studio to require less resources, you must construct additional pylons build simpler scenes and scene collections. OBS needs GPU time and resources because it has to composite and render a scene. These are subtly different issues, but both are important. This is probably because you have either overloaded your GPU or you have a bottleneck between your GPU and the rest of your system. My game framerate is fine, but OBS can't keep up! This guide contains an explanation for the common issues that will cause OBS, or a game you may be playing, to suffer performance issues while trying to stream or record.